ORMECO can install and service most brands of drinking water fountains. Give us a call today!

Drinking Fountains
ORMECO installs and services most brands of drinking water fountains. We have licensed refrigeration specialists, plumbers and electricians available to handle most needs.

SUNROC Fountain
Sunroc has built drinking fountains since 1947. This unit is an older model NSF-4 that uses R12 refrigerant.

Because it still functions, we will leave the R12 components intact. Later, we can retrofit to R-134A if necessary.

Although the refrigeration circuit will remain stock, ORMECO will update the drinking water components. When complete, the unit will be lead-free and meet the requirements of NSF/ANSI 61, the stringent international standard governing potable water equipment.

The paint is in poor condition. The unit will be sanded and receive a fresh coat of period-correct paint.